1.气候大会将开 全球变暖有何影响











气候大会将开 全球变暖有何影响




1. 图瓦卢国整体搬迁












6. 极端气候频发






中国院副总理 *** 在第三次世界气候大会上的讲话

2009年9月3日,日内瓦Speech by Vice Premier Hui Liangyu of the People's Republic of China At the Third World Climate Conference (WCC-3)

3 September 2009




Mr. President

Ladies and Gentlemen

首先,我谨代表中国 *** 向第三次世界气候大会的成功召开表示热烈的祝贺!

To start with

I wish to express

on behalf of the Chinese Government

warm congratulations on the successful opening of the Third World Climate Conference (WCC-3)!

气候是人类赖以生存的自然环境,是经济社会可持续发展的重要基础。以气候变暖为主要特征的全球气候变化已是不争的事实,气候变化导致灾害性气候频发,冰川和积雪融化加速,水分布失衡,生物多样性受到威胁,对人类经济社会生活和可持续发展带来深刻和长远的影响。可以说,气候和气候变化问题,从来没有像今天这样受到各国 *** 的高度关切和重视,从来没有像今天这样受到全球民众的高度关心和忧虑,从来没有像今天这样受到各类国际组织的高度关注和思考。气候变化问题事关人类的福祉和全球的可持续发展,需要国际社会共同积极应对,此刻以“气候预测和信息为决策服务”为主题,召开第三次世界气候大会,既十分必要,也十分重要。这将对深化国际社会对气候及气候变化的理解产生重大而深远的影响,对深化气候服务在经济社会发展中的应用带来积极而有效的推动。

Climate is the natural environment which the mankind depends on for living and the important basic resources for sustainable economic and social development. The global climate change

mainly characterized by climate warming

is an unequivocal reality. Climate change leads to frequent occurrence of disastrous climate events

accelerated melting of glaciers and snow covers

unbalanced distribution of water resources and endangered biodiversity

and has profound and long-lasting impact on economic and social livelihood and sustainable development of human beings. Never before he the issues of climate and climate change received so much concern and attention from all s

been so much cared and worried about by people around the world

and been so much focused on and thought about by various international anizations. The issue of climate change calls for mon and active responses from the international munity

as it concerns the well-being of all peoples and the global sustainable development. Therefore

it is both necessary and important to convene at this particular time the WCC-3 on the theme of "climate prediction and information for decision-making". It will he significant and long-lasting implications on in-depth understanding of climate and climate change by the international munity

and bring about positive and effective impetus to lications of more tailored climate services in national economic and social development.

自1990年第二次世界气候大会以来,各有关国际组织在气候科学领域实施了一系列和行动,在推进全球气候观测系统建设、提高气候预测准确率、为决策者提供气候信息等方面取得巨大成就,也进一步提高了国际社会对气候及其变化的认识水平。中国 *** 对世界气象组织和相关国际组织的不懈努力和卓有成效的工作表示赞赏。

Since the Second World Climate Conference in 1990

relevant international anizations he launched a series of programs and actions in the field of climate science. Substantive achievements were made in building up the global climate observing system

improving the accuracy of climate prediction and delivering climate information for policy-makers. Awareness of climate and climate change by the international munity has also been raised. The Chinese Government reciates the WMO and relevant international anizations for their tireless efforts and fruitful work.


Ladies and Gentlemen

中国是一个气候条件复杂、生态环境脆弱、自然灾害频发、易受气候变化影响的国家。中国 *** 十分重视气象工作和气候服务,建立了国家、省、市、县多层次的气候服务网络,服务范围遍及全国。我们不仅开展了气候预测和监测信息发布等一般的气候服务,而且开展了大量专业性气候服务,特别是在农业防灾减灾、防汛抗旱、防御台风、交通运输、疾病控制、森林草原防火等领域,加强气候监测、预测、预警服务,通过多种方式及时向社会公众发布信息,为 *** 动员各方力量开展抗灾救灾工作提供决策服务,取得了明显的减灾成果和经济社会效益,受到了国际国内的高度赞誉。2003年中国成立了北京气候中心,今年6月被世界气象组织正式认定为亚洲区域气候中心,向亚洲区域各国提供气候预测信息,促进亚洲区域气候工作发展。


with plex climatic conditions

fragile ecological environment and frequent natural disasters

is vulnerable to climate change. The Chinese Government attaches great importance to meteorological work and climate services

and has established a multi-level climate service neork at national


city and county levels

providing services throughout the country. We he provided not only routine climate services such as climate prediction

detection and relevant information delivery

but also a wide range of specialized climate services

particularly in the fields of agricultural disaster prevention and mitigation

flood control and drought relief

typhoon preparedness


disease control

forest and grassland fire prevention. We he also strengthened the services in climate monitoring

prediction and early warning

timely disseminated relevant information to the public through various channels

and provided decision-making services to the in mobilizing resources for disaster rescue and relief

thus achieving significant outes in disaster reduction and economic and social benefits. All these he been well recognized both at home and abroad. The Beijing Climate Center (BCC)

set up in 2003

was formally designated in this June by the WMO as a Regional Climate Center for Asia to provide the Asian countries with climate prediction information and to promote the development of regional climate services in Asia.中国 *** 将一如既往地大力支持气候观测、研究、预测和评估,大力促进气候信息在经济和社会生活中的应用,全面推进气候服务的发展。我们将进一步树立“公共气象、安全气象、气象”的发展理念,以提高气候服务能力为核心,不断开拓服务领域、丰富服务产品、完善服务体系,进一步提高监测预报的准确性、灾害预警的时效性、气象服务的主动性、防范应对的科学性,开发利用好气候,努力将与气候相关的风险控制到最低限度。为此,我们高度重视解决最基本的气候科学问题,支持相关的气候科技和建设项目,支持区域和国际气候信息的共享,以科学地认识气候规律。我们尤其期待全球科学家加大极端天气气候发生发展和影响规律的研究力度,加大化解水安全和生态系统安全面临的气候风险的研究力度,以提高自然灾害的防范能力,提高粮食安全的保障能力,提高经济社会的可持续发展能力。

The Chinese Government will continue to vigorously support the climate observation


prediction and asses *** ent,promote the lication of climate information in economic and social life

and advance the development of climate services. We will further foster the concept of developing "public meteorology

security-oriented meteorology and natural resource-oriented meteorology". Focusing on improving climate service capabilities

we will further improve the accuracy of climate monitoring and forecasting

the time effectiveness of early disaster warnings

the proactive meteorological responses. We will make good use of climate resources in an effort to minimize climate-related risks. To this end

we will pay great attention to addressing the most basic issues in climate science

support regional and international climate information sharing in order to scientifically understand the climate behior. In particular

we hope that scientists around the world would intensify research on the generation

development and impact of extreme weather and climate events

and on reduction of climate risks facing the security of water resources and ecosystem

so as to enhance the capability on preventing natural disasters

safeguarding food security and achieving sustainable economic and social developments.


Ladies and Gentlemen


Climate change is the mon challenge faced by the mankind. As the largest developing country in the world

China faces enormous tasks in developing its economy

eradicating poverty and improving people's livelihood

but it still attaches great importance to climate change. China was the first developing Climate Change Program. China has clearly stated that

from 2005 to 2010

its energy consumption per unit GDP will be reduced by about 20%

main pollutants emissions by 10%

and its forest coverage be increased to 20% from 18%. The proportion of renewable energy in primary energy consumption will go up to 10% from 7.5%. To respond more effectively to climate change

China has established a national leading group on climate change

and has adopted a series of policies and measures in adjusting economic and industrial structures

phasing out backward production facilities

growing recycling industries

sing energy

improving energy efficiency and developing renewable energies. Thanks to our unremitting efforts

positive results he been achieved in energy sing and emission reduction

with the energy consumption per unit GDP reduced by 10.1% from 2006 to 2008. Over the past 30 years

China has afforested more than 54 million hectares of land and bee the country with the largest afforestation in the world.


As a responsible country

China maintains that the international munity should work together to jointly address climate change through effective international cooperation. The international financial crisis has seriously affected the global economy

and China's economy has also been greatly impacted. Nevertheless

our determination to address climate change remains unchanged

and we will not slacken our efforts. We will continue to actively participate in and advance the process of addressing climate change by the international munity and promote positive achievements in the uping climate change conference in Copenhagen. We will remain mitted to the basic frameworks of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol

to the principle of "mon but differentiated responsibilities" and to sustainable development. We advocate that the Copenhagen conference should strictly follow the authorization of the Bali Road Map

further strengthen the prehensive

effective and sustained implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol

and consider in a coordinated manner mitigation


technology transfer and financial support. The developed countries should continue to take the lead in undertaking quantified emission reduction mitments

and the developing countries should make contributions as their ability permits. China will be firmly mitted to the road of sustainable development

implement vigorous domestic policy-measures and actions

assume international obligations that are mensurate with our development stage

due responsibilities and actual capacities

and work with the international munity to look after the pla Earth - the mon home of the mankind.

大气无国界,合作无边界。防御和减轻气象灾害、适应和减缓气候变化、开发和利用气候,不仅是中国也是全世界关注的重大问题,迫切需要各国之间在更大范围、更深层次、更广领域加强合作。中国 *** 将同国际社会一起,取切实可行的措施和行动,密切合作,推进多方面的气候服务,使气候服务更好地造福全人类,为人类社会可持续发展做出新贡献。

Atmosphere recognizes no borders

and international cooperation transcends boundaries. Preparedness for and reduction of meteorological disasters

adaptation to and mitigation of climate change

exploration and utilization of climate resources are not only major issues of concern for China

but also for the whole world. It is imperative for all countries to strengthen cooperation in wider range

greater depth and broader areas. Together with the international munity

the Chinese Government will take practical and feasible measures and actions

conduct close cooperation

and promote the climate services in multiple aspects

so as to provide better climate services for the benefit of the mankind

and to make new contributions to the sustainable development of the human society.


I wish the WCC-3 a plete success! Thank you all.









全球气候变化(Climate change)是指在全球范围内,气候平均状态统计学意义上的巨大改变或者持续较长一段时间(典型的为30年或更长)的气候变动。气候变化的原因可能是自然的内部进程,或是外部强迫,或者是人为地持续对大气组成成分和土地利用的改变。





